Forensic Psychology Services

Forensic psychology services, including evaluations, expert witness testimony, and treatment for individuals involved in the legal system.

Expert Forensic Psychology Services

Immigration/deportation evaluations:

“>Emigration Hardship Evaluations – the purpose of this evaluation is to assist emigration attorneys in determining the lack of psychological well-being of an individual that is a U.S. citizen and is in danger to be separated from a love one. In this case, people who have a residence permit or citizenship in the USA and want to legalize permanent residence for a very close person could apply for the so-called “extreme hardship.” This means that a person who is legally residing in the US and wants their spouse, child or sibling who is threatened with deportation may file a petition with the immigration office to legalize their stay. In order to prove “extreme hardship.” A person who decides to submit a petition must meet a number of requirements. One of them is psychological evaluation, which we offer in our clinic.

Child Custody and Visitation Evaluations

The purpose of the evaluation is to assist in determining whether the parent is able to take care of their child. In our clinic not one evaluation of this kind would be initiated without a court order.

Personal Injury Evaluation

Evaluations of emotional damage deriving from personal injury, sexual or racial harassment and sexual abuse using objective psychological tests.

Competency to stand trial

Competency to stand trial is a concept of jurisprudence allowing the postponement of criminal proceedings for those defendants who are considered unable to participate in their defense due to emotional or cognitive constraints. Such requires forensic psychological and or neuropsychological evaluation that we provide.


People who want to become US citizens must pass the USA history exam and speak English. There are people who can’t handle this task. Neuropsychological tests are the only tests that show whether a person is able to learn new material, concentrate, remember or recall information required at a given moment.

Contact Us for More Information, Schedule 
a Forensic Psychological Evaluation

Forensic evaluations are provided in Chicago and Orland Park.