Psychological testing

Psychological testing helps doctors as well as patients to establish true mental health diagnostic criteria. In our clinic, this process includes completion of clinical interview, general cognitive functioning test (IQ Testing) as well as objective personality testing. This clarifies the patient’s diagnostic criteria upon which their treatment is designed. In other words, this process is incredibly important to achieve success in treatment which then improves our patient’s lives.

What is pychological Testing?

A psychological test is a tool built according to principles of psychometrics. That is, they are prepared questions or tasks that have been established and approved as reliable by psychologists and mathematicians who deal with statistics.

Already ready-made psychological tests are used by psychologists and examine a given disease or the functioning of intelligence or the scope of learning. A set of specific tests is what is commonly referred to as the psychological test. So when you submit a patient to a psychological test, it usually means that this person will be taking part in completing several tests. One of them is the intelligence test. Others may include a study of personality characteristics. And still others test whether a person suffers from depression, neurosis, and schizophrenia, etc. The psychological test lasts several hours and when it is finished, the psychologist describes the results in the form of a report. In our clinic, such a report is usually 1 to 6 pages long. After the report is completed, the report is presented to the patient. If the report is to be sent to a doctor, family member or lawyer, a written release of information is essential. Testing should be a situation in which the patient participates voluntarily and is aware of the purpose of the tests. The interpretation of the results of the psychological test includes a statement about the cooperation of the examined person with a psychologist. In short, each patient is asked not only to cooperate but also to be truthful. If the patient lied, exaggerated or underestimated his skills, the test results will not be a good reflection of functioning and this information will be included in the report.

Contact us for more information, schedule 
a psychological test.

Our psychological testing services are available to patients in Chicago and Orland Park.