Prescribing Psychologist
In order for a doctor of clinical psychology to become a licensed prescribing psychologist, a candidate must complete five essential steps.

Chicago Prescribing
Psychologist Services
These include the completion of undergraduate coursework (in medical terminology, chemistry, human anatomy, anatomy and physiology, human physiology, microbiology, and general biology or molecular biology), attainment of a postdoctoral master degree in clinical psychopharmacology, passage of the Psychopharmacology Examination for Psychologists, completion of 1,620 hours of medical rotations (in psychiatry, pediatrics, geriatrics, family medicine, internal medicine, emergency medicine, OB/GYN, surgery, and neurology), and the approval of the Illinois Clinical Psychologists Licensing and Disciplinary Board.
Chicago and Orland Park Prescribing Psychologist Services
Both locations offer prescribing services.
What is a Prescribing Psychologist?
Dr. Wegierek was first, a doctor of clinical psychology. After almost 20 years of providing psychotherapy as well as neuropsychological testing, she decided to increase the scope of her practice and became a prescribing psychologist. This means that she is able to provide psychotherapy, complete neuropsychological testing, as well as prescribe psychotropic medications.
Benefits of Seeing a Prescribing Psychologist
A prescribing psychologist is an individual that replaces separate visits with a psychiatrist and psychotherapist. A prescribing psychologist is trained at the doctoral level to provide psychotherapy as well as neuropsychological testing and has a master’s degree in psychopharmacology. A prescribing psychologist brings two separate services under one roof.
How We Can Help You?
When you see a prescribing psychologist, you can receive a full spectrum of evaluations including, but not limited to, psychological and neuropsychological evaluation, physical exam referred for labs and other medical tests, receive psychotherapy as well as prescription of medications.
Consult with our prescribing psychologist, contact us for more information.
Our psychiatric services are available to patients in Chicago and Orland Park.
