Women for women

The purpose of this forum is to provide a space for women to celebrate women. We encourage you to share memories, experiences, and situations about women you know that were worthwhile examples of the finest behaviors and attributes of women. Sharing your experience will not only celebrate the important women in your life but will also serve as examples of positive role models and inspiration to other women.

Women for women only

The purpose of this forum is to provide a space for women to celebrate women. We encourage you to share memories, experiences, and situations about women you know that were worthwhile examples of the finest behaviors and attributes of women. Sharing your experience will not only celebrate the important women in your life but will also serve as examples of positive role models and inspiration to other women.

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Please post a concise entry describing something wonderful a woman has done for you and how it made you feel. Whether it was a one time event or consistent pattern of behavior that you appreciate from her, adding it to the forum allows us to share that appreciation with the community and reinforces the notion that any thoughtful gesture is worth the effort to strengthen the bonds of womanhood.

 Whether it was a compliment, a favor, a wonderful visit or delicious dish that your grandmother cooked for you. Let’s start talking well about other woman and show the world that women are intelligent, respectful, inventive, nurturing, optimistic, vibrant, thankful, beautiful, and any other quality you would like to highlight.  

Your post will remain on the forum for the world to enjoy and admire and we will post it on our social media platforms so you can then share it to your friends and family.

Kinga Korpacz

I had the pleasure of observing Ms. Kinga Korpacz for about 20 years. Each time I see her in different domain of her life, she seems to reach perfection. She seems to be a wonderful mother. Her children are present in every moment of her life as they accompany her to different social functions, and…

Anna Jankowska

Ms. Jankowska is an individual that impressed me with many things, but I would like to mention here a specific situation that came about when I was starting my business. It was her who came came to me and taught me how to start. She gave me the tools that I used for many years….

Natalia Zamarlik

Ms. Zamarlik is a woman I admire as she controls and succeeds in every aspect of her life. Her children love her, her home is gorgeous, and her talent to make other people’s homes or offices look amazing is boundaryless and timeless. I admire her as she seems to go through life wearing rain boots….


First conference organized by Dr. Anna Maria Wegierek titled “Women for Women” was organized in 2005, 2007, 2013, 2014, and were called “Women’s Feasts,” and the 2019 held in Polsh Museum of America in Chicago was called “Women for Women.” Initial conferences were led by Dr. Wegierek who instead of she prepared lectures that included topics such as “Woman and man,” “Woman and work,” Woman and sex,” Woman in the modern world.” For the conference in 2019, Dr. Wegierek decided present among other successful and prosessional women:



10 wonderful and outstanding women from various fields: medicine, psychology, business, and art shared their knowledge and experience. Among many topics the following were discussed: how to achieve success in business, how to take care of your physical and mental health, how to fight addictions, how to be a good mother, how to buy a house or furnish it in a stylish way? The sixth conference was held at the Chicago Polish Museum of America.

Polish Museum in America

984 N Milwaukee Ave, Chicago, IL 60642.